Friday, May 30, 2014

Day 6 - 05/30/14 Let's not even start...

I am so tired. It's Friday, which is great, but I have a lot to handle today for work and then much more to prep for the 'gathering' we're having at our place tomorrow. We've been remodeling so everything is currently covered in a thin layer of drywall dust... it is horrific. Sipping on a cup of coffee I wonder who I'm going to do on all of this. I'm pooped. Not getting to bed until two in the morning really puts a damper on the day. I'm fairly certain I couldn't even put this together if not for my Pink Drink. Whew!

Good news!! I was able to slip into a pair of capri's that were recently too tight! YES! This is what I'm talking about! This is what I like to see and what is going to keep me motivated. I haven't stepped on the scale again since Tuesday because I just want to wait a whole week. I'm going to promise myself to not get to excited and/or disappointed, or whatever emotions the results pack a punch with. We'll see. I'll measure and weigh myself again on Sunday, considering that will start my second week.

Today is some serious contemplation about going ahead and ordering Accelerator. I am just so groggy. I'm surprised that I remembered to take the trash out this morning. I had my Pink Drink as normal and then my half a bagel, but today I added a think layer of strawberry cream cheese spread. Not helping myself there, I know.

I ate WAY too much for lunch...again. And I didn't have a chance to take my BioCleanse between breakfast and lunch because of training stuff. But, besides being tired I feel alright. I'm having a hard time staying in my office because my back is hurting, so I keep getting up to move around and stretch out. I will probably be eating and running tonight since we have so much to do before tomorrow.

So I didn't take my BioCleanse at all and for once I'm headache and nausea free. I don't think I'll be taking those again.

Day 5 - 05/29/14

Starting this day off a little better. I woke up a little groggy but it has completely worn off by now. It helps that it's been busy at work. I thought about not taking the BioCleanse to see if that would help get rid of the headaches I've been having, but I went ahead and took the two between breakfast and I'll take the other ones between lunch and dinner.

I really enjoy the Plexus Slim (AKA: Pink Drink). It taste pretty delicious and goes down easy and quick. I had that this morning and then half a bagel. I feel better today, as if I don't have as much weight to carry around. A little less stressed then usual. A coworker brought my chocolate dipped strawberries to say thanks for helping her with an audit. They're sitting on my desk, looking pretty and delicious. I've had one already and they are delicious. They keep drawing my attention to them. I'll probably have another one two before the day is out. We'll see. I'm debating on whether I take them around the office to share or if I take them home and let the boyfriend eat them. Maybe I'll do both.

I had left overs for lunch and was sooooo hungry by the time three o'clock rolled around. I've been suffering from headaches the last few days as well as nausea, but I just figured it was due to my weird cycle stuff. I went home and had a spinach salad with a strawberry vinaigrette dressing and a slice of left over gourmet pizza. I poured myself a glass of wine and sipped on it for about half an hour.

I was waiting for the boyfriend to finish getting ready, we were meeting some friends at a local bar to play some darts before my guy goes out of state for a bit. I went and laid down on the bed and the nausea washed all over me. The more I think about it the more I start believing that eating more than I probably should is what is doing this to me. I will be experimenting with that thought the next few days. I almost didn't go to darts because I felt so bad, but I went and sipped on some ginger ale and that seemed to help.

Bowel movements. If you don't want to read about that part of the BioCleanse then just move on...
My usual schedule is about once a day, on the BioCleanse it's about twice, sometimes three. They are not terrible poos by any means. I'm not totally solid but I'm not liquid either. LOTS of toilet paper is KEY! Keep this is mind, folks, because you don't want to be caught short handed...TRUST me!!!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Day 4 - 05/28/14 The Weird Day of Sleep...

I feel like I slept okay. I don't remember waking up too much, which is a usual thing for me. I did drink a glass of wine while we watched a movie just before bed. I've heard that while using Plexus Slim, a lot of people feel better rested, feeling like they sleep better through the night...

Well... I'm sitting here typing this with a cup of coffee, if that says anything. I feel like I slept pretty soundly, except when the boyfriend started whistling in his sleep. It was kind of cute at first, and then got pretty annoying.

I took a shower first thing this morning and then jumped on the scale. 1 pound down! Whoop whoop! I know not to get too excited, and I'm sure there are those of you that think one pound is nothing, but it is to me! As much as I love rain, our stationary bike hurts my butt, so I'm ready to get to walking. I say that now... let's see if I actually keep to it. I have been able to do about two rounds at our local park (not sure what the distance is for that) before my right knee (surgery knee, I'm going to start calling it my grumpy knee) starts tingling and then my whole lower leg starts to fall asleep. Not a good sign I'm sure. We usually stop for a moment or just head home. Sometimes it's not so easy because we've taking our three dogs with us and one is a complete spazz, just darting all over the place and tangling up everyone else.

Wow... I've digressed. Anyway. I've been doing my best about keeping my ProBio Cleanse on a regular time schedule. I should probably just set an alarm for it, to be honest. I suppose I'll get on that today. My ProBio 5 is taken with my evening meal, unless we're out like we were yesterday, so I took it before going to bed.

I've had my pink drink. (I can't believe I'm just getting to this...) I then had half of a toasted bagel. It was so unbelievably delicious. So so good. Those things are like the devil themselves. I remembered to take my acid re-flux medicine so I'm not nearly as miserable, but it's still pretty early. I suppose I'll add more at the end of the day.

Soooo... I'm still having the "break through bleeding" nonsense, but apparently it will pass. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

I took my ProBio Cleanse between breakfast and lunch, then went and had waaayyy too much lunch.(I'm thinking I'm having allergy issues, considering my eyes feel kind of swollen and tired.) By two thirty or so a headache set in and it was terrible. It lasted most of the evening until after I got home and took some medicine. I'm fairly certain it a cycle headache though. (I've been thinking about going ahead and ordering the Accelerator considering I've been so tired.) I went to bed before ten last night and still feel a little droopy.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Starting this back up on my journey to a better me...

It's hard to write down exactly how it feels to be a young 26 year old, 5 foot 6 inches tall...and 238 pounds. I've always been uncomfortable with my size. How could I not be? Every time I got to the doctors, even if it's for a sinus issue, I'm reminded that I'd probably do better in my life if I would just lose weight.

I used to be an actress in community theater (musicals mostly) and danced my heart away, usually losing about 2 inches (MAYBE) during a show, but no weight. I was told that I would never get big parts until I lost the weight. "About 100 pounds" is what was told to me that day. I took a step back from theater and tried to lose some weight and decided that I enjoyed eating out with friends more than I enjoyed nasty old women in theater.

Now, I'm taking that step. Obviously, I cannot do this on my own, considering I've been around this weight since I was bout 14/15 and slowly but surely getting worse. I'm at my heaviest now and although I know my boyfriend is happy with me, I just can't get over the uncomfortable feeling I have when I'm changing, or getting in to or out of the shower.


"Oh, girl! I've read so much bad stuff about that!!" Yeah Yeah. So have I. I've done my research. I've read the horrible 'articles' that some people have written about the product and there is nothing to back up what they are saying. Everything I read that is a negative light on the product eventually goes on and pushes some different company.

I've seen the results in an 'acquaintance' of mine. Someone I see at gatherings several times throughout the year, but spaced apart. I knew she was doing "the pink drink" is what everyone was calling it. I watched her husband shed the pounds and just listened to the stories. I saw her at Christmas and contemplated starting it up myself, but after I came back from vacation, and after I had my knee surgery.

Now I'm sitting here, almost five months from my vacation and surgery and I've just started. Technically this is day four. I'm going to try my best to keep as up to date blog on this as possible - my experiences while taking this major step in my life.

Day 1 - 05/25/14
I had my 'pink drink' before breakfast, like it tells me too and read over (again) the instructions on the bottle and the instructions from my friend. The Plexus Slim ('The Pink Drink') actually tasted pretty good. A lot like the artificial water 'enhancers' that eventually upset the acidic balance in your stomach and causes re-flux. There was something different about this though, a different taste completely. I had a blueberry muffin for breakfast.

I've ordered the ProBio 5 and the ProBio Cleanse as well. I was told to go easy on the Cleanse and just start off with one pill a day, building up to taking two pills twice a day between meals. The ProBio 5 is taken with the evening meal or before going to bed. I measured and weighed myself of course. :/

Day 2 - 05/26/14
The weather has been all over the place, so my body is aching especially my back and knee. I wonder if losing weight will help that, but whatever. I had my pink drink and french toast prepared in a waffle iron. I could already tell that my body was telling me when to stop. I might have had two slices. This was a rather bad day for me. We spent the day at the lake and had beers. I only had two before I started on water. I know I didn't drink enough water for the day, but I felt good. We went out for burgers after that and I ate half of mine and was almost miserably full. Good to know!

I was also expecting with the BioCleanse that I would have to be running to the bathroom pretty often, but so far it's just my normal schedule, with a couple added pee trips. (TMI?)

Day 3 - 05/27/14
Had my pink drink as I was driving to work and then had a half a bagel for breakfast. Today wasn't so easy. I had forgotten quite a few things at home, including my acid re-flux medicine and I was miserable. I did resist the urge for coffee, but the more water I drank the worse I felt. Lunch came around and I had to eat very quickly because of work, which didn't make things any better. I snacked a little bit, but I think it's mainly because I'm so used to eating a small handful of raw nuts around 10:30 and then again at 2:30 or so.

(This may be TMI for some.) I take a low dosage birth control pill continually so that I don't have to mess with periods. It's been fantastic! Well... I had some 'break through bleeding.' ...Yay... I'm sure every woman can understand and read the sarcasm in that little three letter word. I was not pleased. I was upset. My day had already started off in the wrong foot and then this?! I felt like crap and after lunch was taking my temperature to see if I had a viable excuse to go home. I didn't though, I was only about one degree higher than normal.

Still the same bathroom breaks. No rushing off with the 'Cleanse runs' yet. They say to take half of your body weight and drink that in ounces. 119 ounces?! Ooookay. I had roughly about 72 ounces yesterday and thought that I was going to start throwing up pure water. It was a horrible feeling. I talked with my boyfriend about the feeling when I got home from work and he told me to not try and drink 119 ounces in the first couple of days, to build up to it. Makes a lot of sense.

We went out to eat and then to the movies. I probably over did it. Two tacos, what Mexican rice that was on my plate, and a tortilla with honey. I was soooo full and probably shouldn't have eaten two tacos, much less the honey slathered tortilla, but it was all soooo good!